« Mathc matrices/h16a » : différence entre les versions

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petit modification
(Aucune différence)

Version du 25 octobre 2021 à 22:11


Installer ce fichier dans votre répertoire de travail.

/* ------------------------------------ */
/*  Save as :   v_a.h                   */
/* ------------------------------------ */

/* ------------------------------------ */   
/* Standard file                        */
/* ------------------------------------ */   
#include    <stdio.h>
#include   <stdlib.h>
#include   <stddef.h>
#include    <ctype.h>
#include     <time.h>
#include     <math.h>

/* ------------------------------------ */   
/* Help                                 */
/* ------------------------------------ */
#include      "z_d.h"  /* Define, Macro                       */
#include      "z_s.h"  /* clrscrn, stop, stop_w,  pause       */
#include      "z_r.h"  /* rand, r_I, rp_I                     */

/* ------------------------------------ */   
/* Create                               */
/* ------------------------------------ */   
#include  "vi_size.h"  /* rsize, csize                        */
#include   "vi_err.h"  /* isquare, dif_sizes, canImul...      */
#include      "vsm.h"  /* m0, eye, rot2D, Rot2D, Rot2D_P      */
#include     "vim2.h"  /* i_mR, f_mR, i_duplicate_mR          */

/* ------------------------------------ */   
/* Copy                                 */
/* ------------------------------------ */   
#include     "vc_m.h"  /* c_mR, ca_A_mR, c_c_mR, c_r_mR       */

/* ------------------------------------ */   
/* Print                                */
/* ------------------------------------ */   
#include      "vpm.h" /* p_mR,   pE_mR                        */
#include     "vpfm.h" /* fp_mR, fpE_mR                        */ 
#include    "vpall.h" /* pall_mR                              */
#include    "vpoctave.h" /* p_octave_mR, p_octave_mR_E        */

/* ------------------------------------ */   
/* Basic operation                      */
/* ------------------------------------ */   
#include     "vbm.h" /* add_mR, sub_m, mul_m, smul_m, pow_m   */
#include    "vbtm.h" /*  transpose_mR, trace_mR               */
#include    "vel_rop.h" /*  elementary operation on the rows  */
#include    "vel_cop.h" /*  ele ...          on the columns   */
#include    "vepivot.h" /*  best pivot, zero under the pivot  */
#include    "ve_det1.h" /*  determinant                       */
#include    "ve_det2.h" /*  minor,cofactor, adjoint           */
#include    "ve_det3.h" /*  inverse                           */

/* ------------------------------------ */   
/* Gauss Jordan                         */
/* ------------------------------------ */ 
#include     "vg_i.h"

#include  "vgel_op.h"

#include    "vgc_m.h"
#include   "vgc_ab.h"
#include   "vgsort.h"
#include  "vgj1piv.h"
#include  "vgj3piv.h"
#include     "vgj1.h"
#include     "vgj3.h"

/* ------------------------------------ */   
/* Rand                                 */
/* ------------------------------------ */   
#include     "vrm.h" /* r_mR, rp_mR,       rE_mR             */
#include "vrm_tri.h" /* rdiag, rlower_mR, rupper_mR          */
#include "vrm_sym.h" /* rsymmetric,                          */
/* ------------------------------------ */ 
/* ------------------------------------ */

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