Vrais amis en anglais/Ag-An
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modifier- aga = aga, agha (Hist. turque)
- Aga Khan = Aga Khan
- Agamemnon = Agamemnon
- agammaglobulinaemia = agammaglobulinémie
- agar ou agar-agar = agar-agar
- agaric = agaric (Bot.)
- agate = agate
- agave = agave
- age = âge
- aged = âgé
- age group = groupe d'âge
- agent noun = nom d'agent (Ling.)
- agent provocateur = agent provocateur
- agglomerate = agglomérer; agglomérat; aggloméré
- agglutinate = agglutiner
- agglutinative = agglutinatif
- agglutinin = agglutinine
- aggravated = aggravé
- aggregate = agréger; agrégat; agrégé
- aggression = agression
- aggressive = agressif
- aggressor = agresseur
- agile = agile
- Agincourt (Battle of) = Azincourt (bataille d')
- agitate = agiter (Chim., Psychol., Polit., etc.)
- agitation = agitation
- agitato = agitato (Mus.)
- agitator = agitateur (Polit., Tech.)
- agitprop = agit-prop
- Agnatha = agnathes (Zool.)
- Agni = Agni (Myth. hind.)
- agnosia = agnosie (Med.)
- agnostic = agnostique (subst.)
- agnosticism = agnosticisme
- Agnus Dei = Agnus Dei
- a gogo = à gogo
- agonist = agoniste (Biochim.)
- agonize = agoniser
- agony = agonie
- agora (Pl. agorae ou agoras) = agora (Hist. gr.)
- agora (Pl. agorot ou agoroth) = agora (monnaie d'Israël)
- Agra = Agra
- agranulocytosis = agranulocytose
- agraphia = agraphie
- agrarian = agraire
- Agricola = Agricola
- agricultural = agricole
- agriculture = agriculture
- agriculturist = agriculteur, -trice
- Agrippa = Agrippa
- agrobiology = agrobiologie
- agro-industry = agroindustrie
- agrology = agrologie
- agronomy = agronomie
- Agulhas (Cape) = cap des Aiguilles
- Agulhas Current = courant des Aiguilles
modifier- ah = ah (interj.)
- aha = aha (interj.)
- ahistorical = anhistorique
- Ahriman = Ahriman
modifier- aide-de-camp = aide de camp
- aide-memoire = aide-mémoire
- aigrette = aigrette (Cost.)
- aiguille = aiguille (Géogr.)
- aiguillette = aiguillette (Cost.)
- aikido = aïkido
- aileron = aileron (Tech.: Aéron.)
- Ainu = ainu, aïnou
- aïoli = aïoli
- air = air
- air bag = airbag
- air base = base aérienne
- air conditioning = conditionnement d'air
- air freight = fret aérien
- air hostess = hôtesse de l'air
- air marshal = maréchal de l'air (grade d'officier général dans la RAF)
- air mass = masse d'air (Météo.)
- airplane -> aeroplane
- air pocket = poche d'air
- airport = aéroport
- air pump = pompe à air
- air quality = qualité de l'air
- air raid = raid aérien
- air sac = sac à air (Zool.)
- air-to-air = air-air (Mil.)
- air traffic control = contrôle du trafic aérien
modifier- Ajax = Ajax
modifier- à la = à la (Cuis.)
- alabaster = albâtre
- à la carte = à la carte
- Aladdin = Aladin
- Aladdin's lamp = lampe d'Aladin
- alanine = alanine
- Alaric = Alaric (Hist.)
- alarmist = alarmiste
- alas = hélas
- alb = aube (Cost.)
- Albania = Albanie
- albatross = albatros
- albedo = albédo
- Albigenses = Albigeois (Hist.)
- albino = albinos
- album = album
- albumen = albumen
- albumin = albumine
- albuminuria = albuminurie
- alcalde = alcade (maire ou magistrat espagnol, portugais ou latino-américain)
- alchemy = alchimie
- Alcibiades = Alcibiade
- alcohol = alcool
- alcoholic = alcoolique
- alcoholism = alcoolisme
- alcove = alcôve
- Aldebaran = Aldébaran (Astron.)
- aldehyde = aldéhyde
- al dente = al dente (Cuis.)
- Alderney = Aurigny (Géogr.)
- aldol = aldol (Chim.)
- aldosterone = aldostérone
- Aldus Manutius = Alde Manuce
- aleatory = aléatoire
- alembic = alambic
- aleph = aleph
- Aleppo = Alep (Géogr., Hist.)
- alert = alerte (adj. et n.); alerter (v.t.)
- aleurone = aleurone (Bot.)
- Aleut = aléoute
- alevin = alevin
- alexandrine = alexandrin (Poét.)
- Alfonso XIII = Alphonse XIII
- alga = algue
- algebra = algèbre
- algebraic = algébrique
- Algeciras = Algésiras
- Algeria = Algérie
- alginic acid = acide alginique
- alginate = alginate
- Algol = Algol (1. Astron.; 2. Inform.)
- algology = algologie
- Algonquin = algonquin
- algorithm = algorithme
- alguacil = alguazil (Tauromachie)
- alias = alias
- Ali Baba = Ali Baba
- alibi = alibi
- alidade = alidade
- alienable = aliénable (Jur.)
- alienate = aliéner
- alienation = aliénation
- align = aligner
- alignment = alignement
- aliment = aliment (1. nourriture; 2. [Dr. écoss.] pension alimentaire)
- alimentary = alimentaire
- alimentation = alimentation
- aliphatic = aliphatique (Chim. org.)
- aliquot = aliquote
- alizarin = alizarine (Chim.)
- alkali = alcali
- alkali metal = métal alcalin
- alkaline = alcalin
- alkaloid = alcaloïde
- alkane = alkane, alcane
- alkene = alkène, alcène
- alkyl = alkyle, alcoyle
- alkyne = alkyne, alcoyne
- alla breve = alla breve (Mus.)
- Allah = Allah
- Allahabad = Allahabad
- allantois = allantoïde (Embryol.)
- allargando = allargando (Mus.)
- allegation = allégation
- allege = alléguer
- alleged = allégué
- allegiance = allégeance
- allegorical = allégorique
- allegory = allégorie
- allegretto = allegretto (Mus.)
- allegro = allegro, allégro (Mus.)
- allele = allèle (Génétique)
- allemande = allemande (Mus.)
- allergen = allergène
- allergic = allergique
- allergy = allergie
- alliaceous = alliacé
- alliance = alliance
- allied = allié
- alligator = alligator
- alliterate = allitérer
- alliteration = alliteration
- alliterative = allitératif
- allocate = allouer
- allocation = allocation
- allochthonous = allochtone (Géol.)
- allocution = allocution
- allod = alleu (Hist.)
- allogamy = allogamie
- allograft = allogreffe
- allograph = allographe (Ling.)
- allomorph = allomorphe (Ling.)
- allopath = allopathe
- allopathic = allopathique
- allopathy = allopathie
- allophone = allophone (Phon.)
- allosaurus = allosaure
- allosteric = allostérique (Chim.)
- allotrope = allotrope (Chim.)
- allotropic = allotropique (Chim.)
- allotropy = allotropie (Chim.)
- allure = allure (d'une personne)
- allusion = allusion
- allusive = allusif
- alluvial = alluvial
- alluvion = alluvion (action); alluvionnement
- alluvium = alluvion (roche meuble formant dépôt)
- ally = allié; s'allier (Polit.)
- Almagest = Almageste
- alma mater = alma mater
- almanac = almanach
- Almohad = almohade
- almond = amande; amandier
- almond eyes = yeux en amande
- almond paste = pâte d'amandes
- Almoravid = almoravide
- aloe = aloès
- aloha = aloha
- alopecia = alopécie
- alpha = alpha
- alphabet = alphabet
- alphabetical = alphabétique
- Alpha Centauri = Alpha du Centaure; Alpha Centauri (Astron.)
- alphanumeric = alphanumérique
- alpha particle = particule alpha
- alpine = alpin
- alpinist = alpiniste
- Alps (the) = Alpes (les)
- Alsace = Alsace
- Alsace-Lorraine = Alsace-Lorraine
- Alsatian = alsacien
- Altai ou Altay = Altaï
- Altaic = altaïque
- Altair = Altair (Astron.)
- alter = altérer
- alteration = altération
- altercation = altercation
- alter ego = alter ego
- alterity = altérité
- alternative = alternatif (adj.); alternative (n.f.)
- alternative energy = énergie alternative
- alternative medicine = médecine alternative
- alternator = alternateur
- altimeter = altimètre
- altimetry = altimétrie
- altiplano = altiplano
- altissimo = altissimo (Mus.)
- altitude = altitude
- alto = alto (Mus.)
- alto clef = clef d'alto (Mus.)
- altocumulus = altocumulus
- altostratus = altostratus
- altruism = altruisme
- alum = alun
- alumina = alumine
- aluminium ou aluminum = aluminium
- aluminium bronze = bronze d'aluminium
- aluminize = aluminiser
- aluminosilicate = aluminosilicate
- aluminous = alumineux
- alveolar = alvéolaire
- alveolitis = alvéolite (Méd.)
- alveolus = alvéole
modifier- amacrine cell = cellule amacrine (Anat.)
- amadou = amadou
- amalgam = amalgame
- amalgamate = amalgamer
- Amalthea = Amalthée (Astron.)
- amaranth = amaranthe
- amaretto = amaretto
- amaryllis = amaryllis
- amass = amasser
- amateur = amateur
- amateurish = amateuresque
- amaurosis = amaurose
- Amazonia = Amazonie
- ambassador = ambassadeur
- ambassadress = ambassadrice
- amber = ambre (jaune)
- ambergris = ambre gris
- ambidextrous = ambidextre
- ambience ou ambiance = ambiance
- ambient = ambiant
- ambiguity = ambiguïté, ambigüité
- ambiguous = ambigu
- ambisexual = ambisexuel
- ambit = ambitus
- ambition = ambition
- ambitious = ambitieux
- ambivalent = ambivalent
- amblyopia = amblyopie
- Ambo ou Amboina = Amboine (Géogr.)
- ambrosia = ambroisie
- ambulance = ambulance
- ameliorate = améliorer
- amelioration = amélioration
- amen = amen
- amend = amender
- amende honorable = amende honorable
- amendment = amendement
- amenity = aménité
- amenorrhoea ou amenorrhea = aménorrhée
- America = Amérique
- American = américain
- American football = football américain
- Americanism = américanisme
- Americanize = américaniser
- America's Cup (the) = Coupe de l'America (la)
- americium = américium
- Amerindian = amérindien
- amethyst = améthyste
- Amharic = amharique
- amiable = amiable
- amianthus = amiante
- amide = amide
- amine = amine
- amino acid = acide aminé
- amitotic = amitotique
- amity = amitié
- ammonite = ammonite
- ammonium = ammonium
- ammonium carbonate = carbonate d'ammonium
- ammonium chloride = chlorure d'ammonium
- ammonium nitrate = nitrate d'ammonium
- amnesia = amnésie
- amnesty = amnistie
- amniocentesis = amniocentèse
- amnion = amnion
- amniote = amniote (Zool.)
- amniotic = amniotique
- amniotic fluid = fluide amniotique
- amoeba ou ameba = amibe
- amoebiasis ou amebiasis = amibiase
- amok ou amuck = amok
- amoral = amoral
- Amorite = amorite
- amoroso = amoroso (1. Mus.; 2. liqueur)
- amorphous = amorphe
- amortize = amortir (Fin.)
- Amos = Amos
- amour courtois = amour courtois
- amour fou = amour fou
- amour propre = amour-propre
- ampelopsis = ampélopsis
- amperage = ampérage
- ampere = ampère
- ampersand = ampersande
- amphetamine = amphétamine
- amphibian = amphibien (Zool.)
- amphibious = amphibie
- amphibole = amphibole (Chim.; Géol.; Cristallogr.)
- amphibolite = amphibolite (Géol.)
- amphibology = amphibologie
- amphibrach = amphibraque (Prosodie)
- amphioxus = amphioxus
- Amphipoda = amphipodes
- amphiprostyle = amphiprostyle (Archéol.)
- amphitheatre = amphithéâtre
- Amphitrite = Amphitrite
- amphora = amphore
- amphoteric = amphotère
- ampicillin = ampicilline
- ample = ample
- amplify = amplifier
- amplitude = amplitude
- amplitude modulation = modulation d'amplitude
- ampoule = ampoule (Méd.; Pharm.)
- ampulla = ampoule (Hist.)
- amputate = amputer
- amputee = amputé
- Amu Darya = Amou-Daria
- amulet = amulette
- Amur = Amour (Géogr.)
- amuse = amuser
- amuse-gueule = amuse-gueule
- amusement = amusement
- amusement park = parc d'amusement
- amusing = amusant
- amygdala = amygdale
- amyl = amyle
- amylase = amylase
- amyl nitrate = nitrate d'amyle
- amyl nitrite = nitrite d'amyle
- amylopectin = amylopectine
- amyotrophy = amyotrophie
modifier- Anabaptism = anabaptisme
- Anabaptist = anabaptiste
- anabolic = anabolique
- anachronic = anachronique
- anachronism = anachronisme
- anacoluthon = anacoluthe
- anaconda = anaconda
- Anacreon = Anacréon
- anacreontic = anacréontique
- anacrusis = anacrouse
- anaemia ou anemia = anémie
- anaemic ou anemic = anémique
- anaerobic = anaérobique
- anaesthesia ou anesthesia = anesthésie
- anaesthesiology ou anesthesiology = anestésiologie
- anaesthetic ou anesthetic = anesthésique (adj.)
- anaesthetics = anesthésie (n.f.)
- anagram = anagramme
- anal = anal
- analeptic = analeptique
- analgesic = analgésique
- analogous = analogue (adj.)
- analogue = analogue (subst.)
- analogue to digital converter = convertisseur analogique-digital
- analogy = analogie
- analyse ou analyze = analyser
- analysis = analyse
- analyst = analyste
- analytic et analytical = analytique
- analytical geometry = géométrie analytique
- analytical psychology = psychologie analytique
- anamnesis = anamnèse
- anamorphic = anamorphique
- anamorphosis = anamorphosis
- anapaest ou anapest = anapest (Prosodie)
- anaphase = anaphase
- anaphrodisiac = anaphrodisiaque
- anaphylactic = anaphylactique
- anarchic = anarchique
- anarchism = anarchisme
- anarchist = anarchiste
- anarchy = anarchie
- anastigmatic = anastigmatique
- anastomosis = anastomose
- anastrophe = anastrophe
- anathema = anathème
- Anatolia = Anatolie
- Anatolian = anatolien
- anatomical = anatomique
- anatomist = anatomiste
- anatomy = anatomie
- Anaxagoras = Anaxagore
- Anaximander = Anaximandre
- Anaximenes = Anaximène
- ancestor = ancètre
- ancestral = ancestral
- Anchises = Anchise
- anchor = ancre
- anchorage = ancrage
- anchor escapement = échappement à ancre (Horl.)
- anchorite = anachorète
- anchovy = anchois
- ancien régime = ancien régime
- ancient = ancien
- ancient history = histoire ancienne
- ancillary = ancillaire
- Ancona = Ancône
- ancylostomiasis ou ankylostomiasis = ankylostomiase
- Andalusia = Andalousie
- Andalusian = andalou
- andalusite = andalousite
- andante = andante (Mus.)
- andantino = andantino (Mus.)
- Andean = andin
- Andes = Andes (Géogr.)
- andesite = andésite
- Andhra Pradesh = Andhra Pradesh
- Andorra = Andorre
- Andorran = andorran
- andouille = andouille
- Andrew (St.) = André (saint)
- Androcles = Androclès
- androgen = androgène (subst.)
- androgenic = androgène (adj.)
- androgyne = androgyne (subst.)
- androgynous = androgyne (adj.)
- androgyny = androgynie
- android = androïde
- Andromache = Andromaque (Myth.)
- Andromeda = Andromède ; Andromède (1. Myth.; 2. Astron.)
- androsterone = androstérone
- anecdotal = anecdotique
- anecdote = anecdote
- anechoic = anéchoïque
- anemograph = anémographe (anémomètre enregistreur)
- anemometer = anémomètre
- anemometric = anémométrique
- anemometry = anémométrie
- anemone = anémone
- anemophilous = anémophile (Bot.)
- anencephalic = anencéphalique
- anencephaly = anencéphalie
- aneroid = anéroide
- aneurysm ou aneurism = anévrisme
- anfractuosity = anfractuosité
- angel = ange
- angelic = angélique
- angelica = angélique (Bot.; Confis.)
- angelology = angélologie
- angelus = angélus
- Angers = Angers (Géogr.)
- Angevin = angevin
- angina = angine
- angiogenesis = angiogenèse
- angiogram = angiogramme
- angiography = angiographie
- angioma = angiome
- angioplasty = angioplasie
- angiosperm = angiosperme (Bot.)
- angiotensin = angiotensine
- Angkor = Angkor
- Angle = angle (subst.: Hist.)
- angle = angle (Géom.)
- angle of attack = angle d'attaque
- angle of incidence = angle d'incidence
- angle of reflection = angle de réflexion
- angle of refraction = angle de réfraction
- Anglian = angle (adj.: Hist.)
- Anglican = anglican
- Anglicanism = anglicanisme
- Anglicism = anglicisme (Ling.)
- anglicize = angliciser
- Anglocentric = anglocentrique
- Anglo-Indian = anglo-indien
- Anglomania = anglomanie
- Anglo-Norman = anglo-normand
- Anglophile = anglophile (subst.))
- Anglophobe = anglophobe
- anglophone = anglophone
- Anglo-Saxon = anglo-saxon
- Angola = Angola
- Angolan = angolais
- angora = angora
- angostura = angustura
- angstrom ou ångström = angström
- anguish = angoisse
- anguished = angoissé
- angular = angulaire
- angular momentum = moment angulaire
- angular velocity = vitesse angulaire
- anhedonia = anhédonie
- anhydride = anhydride (Chim.)
- anhydrite = anhydrite (Géol.)
- anhydrous = anhydre
- aniline = aniline
- animadversion = animadversion
- animal = animal (adj. et n.)
- animalcule = animalcule
- animality = animalité
- animal magnetism = magnétisme animal
- animal rights = les droits des animaux
- animate = animer
- animated = animé
- animateur = animateur (qn qui met de l'animation)
- animation = animation
- animator = animateur (Cinéma; Sports)
- animism = animisme
- animist = animiste (subst.)
- animistic = animiste (adj.)
- animosity = animosité
- anion = anion
- anise = anis
- anisette = anisette
- anisotropic = anisotrope, anisotropique
- Anjou = Anjou
- Ankara = Ankara
- ankh = ankh
- ankus = ankus
- ankylosaur = ankylosaure
- ankylose = s'ankyloser
- ankylosed = ankylosé
- ankylosing spondylitis = spondylite ankylosante
- ankylosis = ankylose
- anna = anna (Monn.)
- annal = annuaire
- annalist = annaliste
- annals = annales
- Annelida = annélides
- Anne of Cleves = Anne de Clèves
- annex = annexe, annexer
- annexation = annexion
- annexationist = annexionniste
- annihilate = annihiler
- annihilation = annihilation
- anniversary = anniversaire (d'un événement)
- annotate = annoter
- annotated = annoté
- annotation = annotation
- annotator = annotateur
- announce = annoncer
- announcement = annonce
- announcer = annonceur, annonceuse
- annoy = ennuyer
- annual = annuel
- annuity = annuité
- annul = annuler
- annular = annulaire
- annular eclipse = éclipse annulaire
- annulet = annelet
- annulus = anneau
- Annunciation (the) = Annonciation (l')
- anode = anode
- anodize = anodiser
- anodyne = anodin
- anogenital = anogénital, ano-génital
- anole = anole (Zool.)
- anomalistic month = mois anomalistique (Astron.)
- anomalous = anomal
- anomaly = anomalie
- anomia = anomie (Méd.)
- anomie = anomie (Dr.)
- anonymity = anonymat
- anonymous = anonyme (adj.)
- anopheles = anophèle
- Anoplura = anoploures
- anorak = anorak
- anorectal = anorectal, ano-rectal
- anorexia = anorexie
- anorexic = anorexique
- anorgasmia = anorgasmie
- anorgasmic = anorgasmique
- anorthite = anorthite (Chim.; Géol.)
- anorthosite = anorthosite (Géol.)
- anosmia = anosmie (Méd.)
- another = un autre
- anoxia = anoxie
- Anschluss = Anschluss (Hist.)
- Anselm (St.) = Anselme (saint)
- anserine = ansérin
- Antaeus = Antée (Myth.)
- antagonism = antagonisme
- antagonist = antagoniste (subst.)
- antagonistic = antagoniste (adj.)
- Antarctic = antarctique (adj. et n.)
- Antarctica = Antarctique (continent)
- Antarctic Circle = Cercle (polaire) antarctique
- Antarctic Convergence = Convergence antarctique (Océanogr.)
- Antarctic Ocean = Océan antarctique
- Antares = Antarès
- antecedent = antécédent (adj. et n.)
- antechamber = antichambre
- antedate = antidater
- antediluvian = antédiluvien
- antelope = antilope
- antenna = antenne
- antepenultimate = antépénultième
- anterior = antérieur
- anterolateral = antérolatéral
- anteroposterior = antéro-postérieur
- anther = anthère
- antheridium = anthéridie
- anthérozoid = anthérozoïde (Bot.; Vx.) (synonyme en botanique moderne : spermatozoïde)
- anthocyanin = anthocyanine
- anthology = anthologie
- Anthony (St.) = Antoine (saint)
- Anthozoa = anthozoaires
- antracene = anthracène
- anthracite = anthracite
- anthraquinone = anthraquinone
- anthrax = anthrax
- anthropic principle = principe anthropique (Cosmol.; Philos.)
- anthropocentric = anthropocentrique
- anthropoid = anthropoïde
- anthropology = anthropologie
- anthropometric = anthropométrique (adj.)
- anthropometry = anthropométrie
- anthropomorphic, anthropomorphous = anthropomorphe
- anthropomorphism = anthropomorphisme
- anthropophagi = anthropophages
- anthropophagy = anthropophagie
- anthroposophy = anthroposophie
- anthroposophical = anthroposophe (adj.)
- anti-abortion = anti-avortement
- anti-apartheid = anti-apartheid
- antibacterial = antibactérien
- Antibes = Antibes
- antibiosis = antibiose
- antibiotic = antibiotique
- anticathode = anticathode
- anticholinergic = anticholinergique
- Antichrist = Antéchrist
- anti-christian = antichrétien
- anticipate = anticiper
- anticipation = anticipation
- anticipatory = anticipatoire
- anticlerical = anticlérical
- anticline = anticlinal (subst.)
- anticlinal = anticlinal (adj.)
- anticoagulant = anticoagulant
- anticodon = anticodon
- anti-communist = anticommuniste
- anti-constitutional = anticonstitutionnel
- anticonvulsant = anticonvulsif
- anticyclone = anticyclone
- antidepressant = antidépresseur, antidépressif
- antidiarrhoeal = antidiarrhéique
- antidote = antidote
- anti-emetic = antiémétique
- antiferromagnetic = antiferromagnétique
- antigen = antigène
- Antigone = Antigone (Myth. gr.)
- anti-gravity = antigravité, anti-gravité
- anti-hero, anti-heroin = antihéros, antihéroïne
- anti-inflammatory = anti-inflammatoire
- Anti-Liban Mountains (the) = les Monts de l'Anti-Liban
- Antilles = Antilles
- antilogarithm = antilogarithme
- anti-magnetic = antimagnétique (Horl. etc.)
- anti-matter = antimatière
- antimetabolite = antimétabolite
- anti-monarchist = antimonarchiste
- antimony = antimoine
- anti-national = antinational
- antinomy = antinomie
- anti-nuclear = antinucléaire
- Antioch = Antioche
- antioxydant = antioxydant
- antiparallel = antiparallèle
- antiparticle = antiparticule
- antipathetic = antipathique
- antipathy = antipathie
- anti-personnel = antipersonnel
- antiphonal = antiphonique
- antiphonary = antiphonaire
- antiphony = antiphonie
- antipode = antipode (Géom.)
- Antipodes = Antipodes (Géogr.)
- antipope = antipape
- antiproton = antiproton
- antipsychotic = antipsychotique
- antipyretic = antipyrétique
- antiquarian = antiquaire
- antiquark = antiquark
- antiquity = antiquité
- anti-racism = antiracisme
- antiscorbutic = antiscorbutique
- anti-Semite = antisémite (subst.)
- anti-Semitic = antisémite, antisémitique (adj.)
- anti-Semitism = antisémitisme
- antisepsis = antisepsie
- antiseptic = antiseptique
- antiserum = antisérum (Méd.)
- antisocial = antisocial
- antispasmodic = antispasmodique
- anti-static = antistatique
- antistrophe = antistrophe (Poés. antique)
- antisymmetric = antisymétrique
- anti-tank = antitank, antichar
- anti-tetanus = antitétanique
- antithesis = antithèse
- antithetical = antithétique
- antitoxin = antitoxine
- antitrust = anti-trust (Jur.)
- antiviral = antiviral (Méd.)
- antivirus = antivirus (Inform.)
- antivivisection = anti-vivisection
- antivivisectionism = anti-vivisectionnisme
- antivivisectionist = anti-vivisectionniste (adj. et n.)
- Antonine = antonin (Hist. rom.)
- antonomasia = antonomase
- antonym = antonyme
- Antwerp = Anvers
- Anubis = Anubis
- Anura = anoures (Zool.)
- anuria = anurie (Méd.)
- anus = anus
- anxiety = anxiété
- anxiolytic = anxiolytique
- anxious = anxieux
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