Test de coloration syntaxique

Liste des langages modifier

Supported languages :

AppleScript, Assembly, Asymptote, Awk, Befunge, Boo, BrainFuck, C, C++, C#, Clojure, CoffeeScript, ColdFusion, Common Lisp, Coq, Cryptol, Crystal, Cython, D, Dart, Delphi, Dylan, Elm, Erlang, Ezhil, Factor, Fancy, Fortran, F#, GAP, Gherkin, GL shaders, Groovy, Haskell, IDL, Io, Java, JavaScript, Lasso, LLVM, Logtalk, Lua, Matlab, MiniD, Modelica, Modula-2, MuPad, Nemerle, Nimrod, Objective-C, Objective-J, Octave, OCaml, PHP, Perl, PovRay, PostScript, PowerShell, Prolog, Python 2.x and 3.x (incl. console sessions and tracebacks), REBOL, Red, Redcode, Ruby, Rust, S, S-Plus, R, Scala, Scheme, Scilab, Smalltalk, SNOBOL, Tcl, Vala, Verilog, VHDL, Visual Basic.NET, Visual FoxPro, XQuery, Zephir

Ada modifier

with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;
procedure Hello is
  Put_Line ("Hello, world!");
end Hello;

C modifier

#include <stdio.h>

int main(int argc, void** argv)
	printf("Nombre d'arguments: %d\n", argc);

C++ modifier

#include <iostream>

class Exemple
	void* methodeQuiNeRetourneRien(/* Sans arguments */);
	int methodeQuiRetourneUnEntier(int arg1, char* arg2, float arg3);
	int attr1;
	void* attr2[40];
	char carac='Z';
	char name[]="Exemple";

C# modifier

using System;

/// Classe d'exemple
public class Exemple
	public static void Main(String[] args)
		Console.WriteLine("Nombre d'arguments : "+args.length);

Java modifier

package org.wikibooks.fr.example;

	Classe d'exemple
	@author fr.wikibooks.org
public class Exemple
	private int count = 20;

	public static void main(String[] args)
		System.out.println("Nombre d'arguments : "+args.length);

Javascript modifier

function exemple(a,b)
	var n = a+b+100; /* Somme + 100 */
	alert("A + B + 100 = " + n);

Pascal modifier

program hworld;
var a:integer;
	a := 50;  { Un commentaire }
	writeln("Hello world!")

Python modifier

def quick_sort(arr):
	less = []
	pivot_list = []
	more = []
	if len(arr) <= 1:
		return arr