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Ligne 201 :
In October 1972, a Pipeline of the Texas - New Mexico Pipeline Company Burst, Releasing 285,000 Gallons of Crude Oil Into the San Juan River near Shiprock, New Mexico, 10-1972 (3814159165).jpg
In October, 1972, a Pipeline of the Texas - New Mexico Pipeline Company Burst, Releasing 285,000 Gallons of Crude Oil Into the San Juan River near Shiprock, New Mexico, 10-1972 (3814969114).jpg
InIN OctoberOCTOBER, 1972, aA PipelinePIPELINE ofOF the TexasTHE TEXAS-NEW NewMEXICO MexicoPIPELINE PipelineCOMPANY Company BurstBURST, ReleasingRELEASING 285,000 GallonsGALLONS ofOF CrudeCRUDE OilOIL... Into- theNARA San Juan River, 10-1972 (3814159407)545633.jpg
In October, 1972, a Pipeline of the Texas - New Mexico Pipeline Company Burst, Releasing 285,000 Gallons of Crude Oil Into the San Juan River, 10-1972 (3814969216).jpg
In October, 1972, a Pipeline of the Texas - New Mexico Pipeline Company Burst, Releasing 285,000 Gallons of Crude Oil Into the San Juan River, 10-1972 (3814969408).jpg