« Coréen/Hangul/Jamo partie 1 » : différence entre les versions

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Ligne 206 :
Essayez de lire et comprendre les mots suivant:
Practise reading these words now:
{{Korean/Question-answer | kor = [[wikt:가봉|가봉]] | hint = aun countrypays ind'afrique west central Africacentrale
| eng = (''Ga-bong'') [[w:Gabon|Gabon]]}}
{{Korean/Question-answer | kor = [[wikt:앙골라|앙골라]] | hint = aun countrypays ind'afrique south central Africacentrale
| eng = (''Ang-gol-la'') [[w:Angola|Angola]]}}
{{Korean/Question-answer | kor = [[wikt:리옹|리옹]] | hint = aun largegrande citycité in FranceFrançaise
| eng = (''Ri-ong'') [[w:Lyon|Lyon]]}}
{{Korean/Question-answer | kor = [[wikt:몽골|몽골]] | hint = aun countrypays northau ofnord Chinade la Chine
| eng = (''Mong-gol'') [[w:Mongolia|Mongolia]]}}
{{Korean/Question-answer | kor = [[wikt:볼링|볼링]] | hint = aun sport
| eng = (''bol-ling'') [[w:Bowling|bowling]]}}
===SyllablesSyllabes withavec aune finalconsonne consonantfinale===
Somme syllabe finissent avec une ou plusieur consonne(s). il faut alors les "ranger" dans notre carré imaginaire d'écriture. Ecrivez d'abord la consonne d'origine puis la voyelle, puis ecrivez en dessous la (les consonnes)
Some syllables end in a consonant, especially when a word has a cluster of two consonants in the middle: one consonant then forms the end of one syllable and the other forms the beginning of the next syllable. Fitting two consonants and a vowel into a little square box is a little trickier. First write the initial consonant and the vowel next to each other as before, then put the final consonant below them. For example:
Par exemple :
Ligne 245 ⟶ 246 :
Essayez de lire et comprendre le mots suivant:
Can you read the following?
{{:Korean/Question-answer | kor = 안나 | hint = ItC'sest aun namenom.
| eng = ''an-na'' (transliteration), "Anna" }}
Click "▼" ci-dessus pour voir la réponse.
When you think you know the answer, click "▼" above and to the right to see whether you are right.
Avez-vous réussi vos exercices ? Si oui, vous allez bientot etre capable de lire le hangeul :D
Did you manage to read that? If so, you will soon be able to read Korean fluently.
==EndFin ofde lessoncette 1partie==
Vous avez sans doute fini la le partie la plus dificile, car vous ne connaissiez rien de l'écriture. La prochaine partie va construire sur cette partie, et ainsi de suite. Si vous avez trouvé cette partie simple, vous pouvez continuer directement sur [[Coréen/Hangul/Jamo partie 2|la partie suivante]], pour connaitre de nouvelles lettre et agrandir votre vocabulaire. Sinon, vous pouvez y revenir plus tard.
This was in fact the hardest lesson of all, because you didn't have any previous knowledge. The next lessons will build on what you learned here and you will find them easier, also because you will be able to practice reading much more once you know a few more letters. If you don't feel overwhelmed right now, you can already continue with [[Korean/RWP/Lesson 2|the next lesson]], where you will learn a few more letters and many more words. Otherwise, please come back to it later.
Jamo learnedappris so farjusqu'ici:
{{Korean/Consonant jamo chart
| hide the following:
|ㄱ=|ㄷ=|ㄹ=|ㅁ=|ㅅ=|ㅇ=- (initial)<br/>silent|ㅈ=|ㅎ=