« MySQL/Opérateurs » : différence entre les versions

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Ligne 326 :
<code>SOUNDS LIKE</code> permet de vérifier si deux textes se prononcent pareils. Il utilise l'algorithme <code>SOUNDEX</code>, basé sur les règles de l'anglais, et peut s'avérer assez approximatif :
You can use SOUNDS LIKE to check if 2 text values are pronounced in the same way. SOUNDS LIKE uses the SOUNDEX algorithm, which is based on English rules and is very approximate (but simple and thus fast).
<source lang=sql>
SELECT `word1` SOUNDS LIKE `word2` FROM `wordList` -- shortforme formcourte
SELECT SOUNDEX(`word1`) = SOUNDEX(`word2`) FROM `wordList` -- longforme formlongue
<code>SOUNDS LIKE</code> isest a MySQL-specificune extension to SQL. It has been addedapparue indepuis MySQL 4.1.
=== Regular expressions ===