« Hébreu Alephbet » : différence entre les versions

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Jonathaneo (discussion | contributions)
création trad en, en cours de trad
(Aucune différence)

Version du 27 janvier 2006 à 14:24




L'alphabet hébreu est composé de 22 lettres utilisés pour écrire l'hébreu. L'hébreu se lit de droite à gauche à l'inverse des langues latines. Il s'agît d'une langue très phonétique, il s'agît, a word's pronounciation is clearly defined by the way it is spelled.

Le mot hébreu pour "alphabet" est אלף-בית (alef-bet), named after the first two letters of the Hebrew alphabet.

L'hébreu a deux systèmes de prononciation différents. La version Ashkenazi vient de l'europe de l'est. La version Sephardic vient quand à elle d'Espagne. La prononciation donnée ici est celle de l'hébreu moderne que l'on rencontre en Israel, qui est basé sur l'hébreu Sephardic.


Here, each consonant is shown in its own box. Each line contains the name of the letter in English, the actual letter, and the transliteration used throughout the book.

Aleph       א       none

One of two silent letters. Usually appears at the start of a syllable to make the syllable start with a vowel sound.

Betּ        בּ       b 
Vet ב v

Bet sounds just like the English letter B.

Vet sounds just like the English letter V.

Gimel       ג       g

Sounds like a hard g as in give

Dalet       ד       d

Sounds like d as in dog.

Hey         ה       h

Hey sounds like the English letter H when its in the beginning or middle of a word. At the end of a word, it is silent.

Vav         ו       v

Sounds like v as in vacuum. Vav is also used to make a couple of vowel sounds.

Zayin       ז       z  

Sounds like z as in zoo

Het         ח       kh

This is a sound that English doesn't have. It sounds the ch in the German name Bach or in the Scottish word loch. It is the throat clearing guttural sound.

Tet         ט       t

Sounds like t as in tetris

Yod         י       y

Sounds like y as in yard. It can also change the sound of the vowel that precedes it.

Kaf         כּ       k 
Kaf final ךּ k
Khaf כ kh
Khaf final ך kh

Kaf sounds like k as in kitten

Khaf sounds just like Het (guttural)

Lamed       ל       L

Sounds like l as in lamb

Mem         מ       m 
Mem final ם m

Sounds like m as in mother

Nun         נ       n 
Nun final ן n

Sounds like n as in nookie

Samech      ס       s

Sounds like s as in safe

Ayin        ע       none

Another silent letter, often pronounced with a gutteral stop.

Pe          פּ       p
Pe final ףּ p
Fe פ f
Fe final ף f

Pe sounds like p as in port

Fe sounds like f as in fame

Tsadi       צ       tz
Tsadi final ץ tz

Sounds like the zz in pizza.

Qof         ק       k

Sounds like Kaf, but some say it is pronounced more like q.

Resh        ר       r

Sounds like the letter R, but is not pronounced exactly the same as in English. At the beginning or in the middle of a word it is slightly rolled so that its sound is somewhere between the english "R" and the Spanish rolled "R". The tongue bounces off the roof of the mouth just once.

Shin        שׁ or ש sh
Sin שׂ s

Shin sounds like sh as in ship

Sin sounds like s as in soon

Tav         ת       t

Sounds like t as in tomato


Some vowels take the Khataf form when they appear under certain letters (like Ayin).

Vowels are shown with a consonant

Patach              בַּ       a

Khataf Patach       עֲ       a

sounds the same as the short a as in father

Kamatz              בָּ       a

Khataf Kamtaz       עֳ       a

sounds like the short a as in father. Often it is more in between a and o.

Something          בַּי       ai

sounds like the long i as in bind

Segol               בֶּ       e

Khataf Segol        אֱ       e

sounds like the short e as in bed

Tsere               בֵּ       e

sounds like the short e as in bed

Tsere Malei        בֵּי       ei

sounds like the ei as in reign

Shva                לְ       '

When used as the vowel sound of a syllable, it is a very very short e as in bed or i as in big. At the end of a syllable it is silent.

Cholam             בּוֹ       o

Cholam Khaser      בֹּ       o

le son et celui the long o as in stone

Chirik Malei       בִּי       i

le son et celui the short i as in machine

Kubbutz            בֻּ        u

le son et celui oo as in boo

Shuruk             בּוּ       u

le son et celui oo as in boo


Say each line out loud.

אֳ אֲ אֳ אֲ בָּ בָ בַ בַּ בָ בָּ אֲבּ אֲב אֳב אֲבָּא ←

גָ גַ גֶ גָ גֶ אֲג אֱג אֱבּ בֶּג גְאֲב גָבְּגָ ←