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Ligne 985 :
=== Damoclès, c'est quoi ? question de cours-ADS ===
DAMOCLES (Developing Arctic Modeling and Observing Capabilities for Long-term Environmental Studies) is an integrated ice-atmosphere-ocean monitoring and forecasting system designed for observing, understanding and quantifying climate changes in the Arctic. DAMOCLES is specifically concerned with the potential for a significantly reduced sea ice cover, and the impacts this might have on the environment and on human activities, both regionally and globally.
(cf http://www.damocles-eu.org/about_damocles.shtml) est un programme de climatologie, intégrant Glace/Atm/Ocean, pour l'Arctique qui fond anormalement vite. ceci dans l'esprit du GIEC.
Budget : 17 M€ ( par comparaison, les Russes ont mis 4000 M€, juste pour leur port de Mourmansk).
Damoclès comporte 48 expériences , dont une, TARA, a été très médiatisée en France. Cf § TARA ci-dessous.
==== TARA ====
is an integrated ice-atmosphere-ocean monitoring and forecasting system designed for observing, understanding and quantifying climate changes in the Arctic. DAMOCLES is specifically concerned with the potential for a significantly reduced sea ice cover, and the impacts this might have on the environment and on human activities, both regionally and globally.
=== Raconter l'Histoire de l'effet de serre===