« Blender 3D/Modéliser un bonhomme en pain d'épice » : différence entre les versions

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Version du 2 octobre 2007 à 08:07

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Dans ce didacticiel, vous apprendrez à réaliser un bonhomme de pain d'épice simple. Plus tard, dans un autre didacticiel, vous animerez ce bonhomme en pain d'épice.

Nous allons utiliser tout ce dont nous avons parlé jusqu'ici, y compris l'extrusion, la subdivision et le rendu. Nous parlerons également d'éclairage basique.


Tout d'abord, lancez Blender. Vous devriez obtenir un cube dans la vue 3D (déplacez-vous avec MMB ou CTRL + MMB). Assurez-vous d'être en mode orthogonal (NUM5).

  • Sélectionnez le cube en effectuant un clic droit dessus. Pour mémoire, lorsqu'un objet est rose, il est sélectionné;
  • appuyez sur TAB, cela vous permet de passer de l'Object Mode à l'Edit Mode. Vous devriez voir des points roses. Les points roses sont ce que l'on appelle des sommets (vous savez que vous êtes en Edit Mode, si vous voyez ces points). Lorsque vous sélectionnez un sommet avec RMB, il devient jaune;
  • sélectionnez tous les sommets (AKEY une ou deux fois selon que vous avez déjà des sommets sélectionnnés ou non), puis cliquez sur l'onglet édition   dans l'en-tête de la fenêtre des boutons (vous pouvez également appuyer sur F9) pour éditer.
  • Once you are there you will see a new menu at the bottom of the page, click on the subdivide button in the section called Mesh Tools (while all the vertices are selected). You will see that your cube now has more vertices. This tool is used for dividing an object so that you can do more complex models. [Note] In newer versions, you can also hit SPACE and, in the menu that comes up, Edit → Edges → Subdivide. [Note] You can also press the WKEY, and click subdivide
  • Now press AKEY to unselect all the vertices, go to the front view (NUM1) and press BKEY and drag a square around the top left and middle left vertices or press BKEY twice and you will see a circle around your mouse - all the vertices in the circle will be selected by pushing LMB.
  • Take a closer look on the selected vertices by viewing the model from a different angle (remember that you can use MMB to achieve this). If you find that you have only selected two vertices and not six, there are 2 ways of solving your problem.
    You could hit the ZKEY to toggle between wireframe mode and solid mode or you could hit (and deactivate) the Button in the selection mode buttons (note that this button is shown only if you're in solid mode). Repeat the previous step and see the difference.
  • After selecting the 6 vertices press EKEY and select Region. This will extrude the selected vertices. Put the new vertices on the adjacent gray line of the grid one unit to the left (press CTRL to snap to grid). Do this two times so that it looks like below (the snapshot has been taken in a front view (NUM1)) :
  • Clear your selection (AKEY).
  • Now select the other two vertices (six in 3D again) on the opposite side and do the same there as explained above. Now the arms are complete, as you can see in the illustration below.

Now we will do the legs.

  • First, unselect all the vertices : use AKEY.
  • Select the bottom left two vertices, extrude it and put them in between the gray line (the gray lines in the grid representing the Blender units) and the second gray line below. If holding down CTRL you will notice that the two vertices snap to the grid in the background and you won't be able to select in between them, but jump between one and two of them. Press SHIFT as well and you'll be able to go in tenths of the units. (You can also just enter the number 1.5 to extrude it 1 1/2 units out. On Mac, enter the number 1, press fn with the key that is right under Lkey and Mkey on Azerty (the one with /:,), and press the number 5)
Fichier:GingerbreadMan-LeftLeg01.png  Fichier:GingerbreadMan-LeftLeg02.png
  • Extrude it again and put it on the third gray line (or, once again, enter 1.5). It should now look like this:
  • Use the BKEY to select the bottom 4 vertices (12 in 3D) of the leg, and use the GKEY to pull it out to the left by half a square so that it looks like this
  • Do this again for the right leg.
  • Use BKEY to select the vertices at the groin (where the two legs join)
  • Press GKEY and pull it down by 1/2 a square (type GKEY, ZKEY and write -0.5 - in older version you have to type type GKEY, ZKEY but also NKEY and write -0.5 then)

(I had some problems here, trying to move the vertices. There were too many vertices in the same place, and that creates strange forms. To erase the duplicate vertices on top of each other, you can either select the entire model, or just the vertices you want to clean. Then press WKEY and choose Remove Doubles.)

  • Press TAB to go out of edit mode (you will know if you are out of edit mode if the vertices are not visible). You are now in object mode.
  • Click RMB on the object to select it then press SHIFT + SKEY and select Cursor → Selection. This will make sure the cube you'll add next will be near where you want it.
  • Press SPACE and put your mouse on the mesh option and select cube. In others versions, you can also hit SPACE and , in the menu that comes up, choose Add → Mesh → Cube.
  • Press GKEY and put your new cube about 1/3 of the way down the neck (to achieve this, you can press GKEY and ZKEY : enter 1.33).

Now we will make it look more like a ginger bread man by making it thinner.

  • Go to side view with NUM3.
  • Press SKEY for scale and press YKEY for Y-axis and then move your mouse to the middle until the it is about 0.3 (use CTRL for fixed values).
  • Remember X-axis is the Red arrow/line, Y-axis is the Green one, and Z-axis is Blue (like RGB video mode).
  • In OBJECT mode, use RMB on the body and press SKEY and then YKEY and make it as flat as the head.
  • Use the MMB to spin the view around and examine your handiwork.

At this point, it doesn't look entirely like a gingerbread man, does it? It's a bit too ... chunky. For the last bit, we'll smooth it out.

  • Make sure you've selected the body in object mode.
  • Select the editing panel in the buttons window (or hit F9).
  • In the Modifiers tab, Add a "Subsurf" modifier. You can also push SHIFT + O
  • Set the level of the subdivisions to 2, and the number of render levels to 3.
  • You can press the ZKEY to switch back and forth between wire-frame view and solid view.
  • (Noob Note: Easiest way to really get a feel for what is going on in the 3d world is to split into four screens and setting each one to num7, num3, num1, and num0 to see all angles and what it will look like at render.)
  • In the 'Link and materials' section, select 'Set Smooth'.

(Note that here I had the same problem as before, with superposed vertices. Select all vertices, then press WKEY and select Remove Doubles to clean your model. You will see that it will look much better after removing the extra vertices with Remove Doubles)

  • Press the ZKEY to return to wire-frame view.
  • Now repeat the process above to smooth the head.

Looks a lot more like a gingerbread man, now, doesn't it?

Camera Positioning and Rendering

This guide will show you how to intuitively get the best shot of your 3D scene with no effort !

  • Press TAB for Object view mode.
  • Press NUM0 to get the Camera View.
  • Select the camera by clicking RMB on the outermost rectangle.
  • Press GKEY and move your mouse to adjust the position of the camera (XKEY, YKEY, ZKEY and CTRL may be useful here).
  • In addition, you can press NUM7 to get the Top View and press RKEY to rotate the camera to the best angle.
  • After you are happy with the position, press F12 to render it.

If your render comes out a little dark, try moving the lamp closer to the gingerbread man.