Implémentation d'algorithmes classiques/Algorithmes de tri/Tri par sélection
void selection(int *t, int taille)
int i, mini, j, x;
for (i = 0; i < taille - 1; i++)
mini = i;
for (j = i + 1; j < taille; j++)
if (t[j] < t[mini])
mini = j;
x = t[i];
t[i] = t[mini];
t[mini] = x;
Old C++ (before 2011)
modifiervoid triSelection(int tab[], int const taille)
int i, min, j;
for (i = 0; i < taille - 1; ++i)
min = i;
for (j = i + 1; j < taille; ++j)
if (tab[j] < tab[min])
min = j;
if (min != i)
std::swap(tab[i], tab[min]); // defined in <algorithm> before C++11
Modern C++ ( use -std=c++11 to compile )
modifiertemplate< typename T >
void triSelection( T& tab )
typename T::iterator min, jt;
for( typename T::iterator it = tab.begin(); it < tab.end()-1; ++it )
min = it;
for( jt = it+1; jt < tab.end(); ++jt )
if( *jt < *min )
min = jt;
if( min != it )
std::swap( *it, *min );
Note that this example can not be used with classic arrays ( "int tab[50];" ) but it can be used with any container, including std::array, which is a classic array in the final binary. The advantage of std::array being that you can retrieve it's size without the need of global constants ( no need to do things like "#define SIZE 50" or "const size_t SIZE = 50;" as in C, and so less dangers of error when you do changes ).
Tri de vecteurs en Caml Light, en ordre décroissant :
let tri_select t =
let n = vect_length t and m = ref(0) and i = ref(0) in
for j=0 to (n - 2) do
m := t.(j);
i := j;
for k = (j + 1) to (n - 1) do
if !m < t.(k) then begin
m:= t.(k);
i:= k;
t.(!i) <- t.(j); t.(j) <- !m;
selTri :: Ord a 26 => [a] -> [a]
remFirstOcc :: Ord a => a->[a] -> [a]
selTri [] = []
selTri l = m: selTri (remFirstOcc m l)
where m = minimum l
remFirstOcc n (x:xs)
| (x == n) = xs
| otherwise = x:(remFirstOcc n xs)
public void sortBySelection(int[] t, int sizeOfTheCollection) {
int i, min, j , x;
for(i = 0 ; i < sizeOfTheCollection - 1 ; i++)
min = i;
for(j = i+1 ; j < sizeOfTheCollection; j++)
if(t[j] < t[min])
min = j;
if(min != i)
x = t[i];
t[i] = t[min];
t[min] = x;
T est un tableau de nombres dont le premier indice est 0, et n est un entier tel que l'on souhaite trier T[0..n-1].
function executer_tri_par_selection (T, n) {
if (T.length < 2) return T;
var i, indice_min, j, temp;
for (i = 0; i < n - 1; i++) {
indice_min = i;
for (j = i + 1; j < n; j++) {
if (T[j] < T[indice_min])
indice_min = j;
if (indice_min != i) {
temp = T[i];
T[i] = T[indice_min];
T[indice_min] = temp;
return T;
procedure TriSelection(n : integer ; var t : tab);
var i, j, min, tmp : integer;
for i := 1 to n - 1 do begin
min := i;
for j := i + 1 to n do
if (t[j] < t[min]) then min:=j;
if (i <> min) then begin
tmp := t[i];
t[i] := t[min];
t[min] := tmp;
function triSelection(&$arrayOf)
$count = count($arrayOf);
$min = $i;
$minV = $arrayOf[$min];
if($arrayOf[$j] < $minV)
$min = $j;
$minV = $arrayOf[$min];
if($min != $i)
$arrayOf[$min] = $arrayOf[$i];
$arrayOf[$i] = $minV;
import random
un_tableau = [ k for k in range(0,MAX_LENGTH) ]
for k in range(0,MAX_LENGTH) :
min = k
for l in range(k+1, MAX_LENGTH) :
if un_tableau[l] < un_tableau[min] :
min = l
if min is not k :
number = un_tableau[k]
un_tableau[k] = un_tableau[min]
un_tableau[min] = number
Tout ou partie de cette page est issue de l'article Wikipédia « Tri par sélection » dans sa version du 22/04/2010.