Enseignement de l'anglais/exercices modaux

Conjugaison modifier

Exercice 1 modifier

Complétez les phrases suivantes avec le verbe de modalité approprié :

  1. She _______ be at home. (probabilité)
  2. He _______________ leave. (absence d'obligation)
  3. When I was young, I _________ run for two hours. (capacité)
  4. "_____ I open the door?" (demande de permission)
  5. "_____ you pass the butter, please?" (demande polie)
  6. "If you are ill, you _________ stay at home." (conseil)
  7. ______ you drive? (capacité)

Exercice 2 modifier

I________ go to the cinema.

You________ phone to your parents.

We____ eat mac donald's when we were 8.

____ I use your phone?

Solutions modifier

Exercice 1 modifier

  1. must
  2. doesn't have to
  3. could
  4. May
  5. Could
  6. should
  7. Can

Exercice 2 modifier

  1. must
  2. don't have to
  3. could
  4. May

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