Enseignement de l'anglais/Conditionnel

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Present Conditional : Conditionnel Présent


Voix Active


+ : affirmative

I/we should ...
he/she/it would ...
you/they would ...

? : interrogative

should I/we ... ?
would he/she/it ... ?
would you/they ... ?

- : négative

I/we should not ...
he/she/it would not ...
you/they would not ...

?/- : interro-négative

should I/we not ... ?
would he/she/it not ... ?
would you/they not ... ?



+ : affirmative

I/we should be ...ing
he/she/it would be ...ing
you/they would be ...ing

? : interrogative

should I/we be ...ing ?
would he/she/it be ...ing ?
would you/they be ...ing ?

- : négative

I/we should not be ...ing
he/she/it would not be ...ing
you/they would not be ...ing

?/- : interro-négative

should I/we not be ...ing ?
would he/she/it not be ...ing ?
would you/they not be ...ing ?

(Conditionnel présent de : be)

Voix Passive


+ : affirmative

I/we should be ...ed
he/she/it would be ...ed
you/they would be ...ed

? : interrogative

should I/we be ...ed ?
would he/she/it be ...ed ?
would you/they be ...ed ?

- : négative

I/we should not be ...ed
he/she/it would not be ...ed
you/they would not be ...ed

?/- : interro-négative

should I/we not be ...ed ?
would he/she/it not be ...ed ?
would you/they not be ...ed ?



+ : affirmative

I/we should be being ...ed
he/she/it would be being ...ed
you/they would be being ...ed

? : interrogative

should I/we be being ...ed ?
would he/she/it be being ...ed ?
would you/they be being ...ed ?

- : négative

I/we should not be being ...ed
he/she/it would not be being ...ed
you/they would not be being ...ed

?/- : interro-négative

should I/we not be being ...ed ?
would he/she/it not be being ...ed ?
would you/they not be being ...ed ?

Past Conditional : Conditionnel Passé


Voix Active


+ : affirmative

I/we should have ...ed
he/she/it would have ...ed
you/they would have ...ed

? : interrogative

should I/we have ...ed ?
would he/she/it have ...ed ?
would you/they have ...ed ?

- : négative

I/we should not have ...ed
he/she/it would not have ...ed
you/they would not have ...ed

?/- : interro-négative

should I/we not have ...ed ?
would he/she/it not have ...ed ?
would you/they not have ...ed ?

(Conditionnel présent de : have)



+ : affirmative

I/we should have been ...ing
he/she/it would have been ...ing
you/they would have been ...ing

? : interrogative

should I/we have been ...ing ?
would he/she/it have been ...ing ?
would you/they have been ...ing ?

- : négative

I/we should not have been ...ing
he/she/it would not have been ...ing
you/they would not have been ...ing

?/- : interro-négative

should I/we not have been ...ing ?
would he/she/it not have been ...ing ?
would you/they not have been ...ing ?

(Conditionnel présent de : be)

Voix Passive


+ : affirmative

I/we should have been ...ed
he/she/it would have been ...ed
you/they would have been ...ed

? : interrogative

should I/we have been ...ed ?
would he/she/it have been ...ed ?
would you/they have been ...ed ?

- : négative

I/we should not have been ...ed
he/she/it would not have been ...ed
you/they would not have been ...ed

?/- : interro-négative

should I/we not have been ...ed ?
would he/she/it not have been ...ed ?
would you/they not have been ...ed ?



+ : affirmative

I/we should have been being ...ed
he/she/it would have been being ...ed
you/they would have been being ...ed

? : interrogative

should I/we have been being ...ed ?
would he/she/it have been being ...ed ?
would you/they have been being ...ed ?

- : négative

I/we should not have been being ...ed
he/she/it would not have been being ...ed
you/they would not have been being ...ed

?/- : interro-négative

should I/we not have been being ...ed ?
would he/she/it not have been being ...ed ?
would you/they not have been being ...ed ?