#! /bin/bash
#H File : users_install_annex.sh in ~/Tmp or re-install_annex.sh in /usr/local/sbin directory
#H Origine : https://fr.wikibooks.org/wiki/Auto-éditer_un_wikilivre/Annexer_(Version_internationalisée)/users_install_annex.sh
#H Codage UTF-8 without BOM
#D users_install_annex.sh documentation
#D ------------------------------------
#D This program install or re-install the directory structure for the annex
#D program of wikibooks.
#D Syntax for all annex programs : ~/Tmp/users_install_annex.sh [ OPTIONS ]
#D Do not use ./users_install_annex.sh
#D The installation Directories can be ~/Annexer or ~/Add_appendix
#D * Annexer, Add_appendix
#D * --v to print version
#D * ? to print syntax and usage
#D To uninstall see users_uninstall_annex.sh
#P Creation date : 2021/04/16 by GC
#P Modification date : 2021/04/18 by Clara
#P Modification date : 2021/04/25 by GC
#P Last test date : 2021/04/19 by Clara
#P Update and tests : 2021/07/16 by Clara.
#P Update and tests : 2021/07/21 by JPL for new french program "Annexer"
#P update annex.lib and copy this program to sbin
#D This Documentation is included in source file
#H Header of file included in source file
#O Organigram of program included in source file
#P Comments for programmers included in source file
#S Structure comments of program included in source file
#w Warnings comments in program included in source file
#O clean screen
#O Version
unset $VERSION
if [ "$1" = "--v" ]; then echo "Version of users_install_annex.sh "$VERSION; exit 0; fi
#O If the first parameter '$1' is '?' print doc or syntax.
if [ "$1" = "?" ]
if test -z $Workdir/doc/users_install_annex.sh.doc
then cat $Workdir/doc/users_install_annex.sh.doc
else echo "Syntax : $0 [ --v | ? | Add_appendix | Annexer ]"
exit 0
#O If the first parameter '$1' is empty print syntax.
if [ -z $1 ]
echo "Copy users_install_annex.sh in ~/Tmp directory"
echo "Syntax ~/Tmp/users_install_annex.sh [ --v | ? | Add_appendix | Annexer ]"; exit 0
#P Do not use sudo
if [ $USER = "root" ]; then echo "USER = $USER"; echo "Do not use 'sudo' please."; exit -1; fi
#O Go to home directory and print the current directory.
cd ~
echo; echo -n "current directory = "; pwd; echo
#O If the first parameter is not empty
if [ $1 ];
if [ "$1" = "Annexer" ]; then Installdir=~/Annexer; echo "Installdir = "$Installdir
elif [ "$1" = "Add_appendix" ]; then Installdir=~/Add_appendix; echo "Installdir = "$Installdir
else echo "Syntax error ! "
echo "Copy users_install_annex.sh in ~/Tmp directory"
echo "Syntax ~/Tmp/users_install_annex.sh [ --v | ? | Add_appendix | Annexer ]"
exit -1
#O Test if Install directory exist
if [ -d $Installdir ];
then echo " is ok, $Installdir is present."
else echo " $Installdir not exist, i create it"; mkdir $Installdir;
#O Create variables : Workdir, Bindir
if [ $1 = "Add_appendix" ] && [ $1 != "Annexer" ]; then Workdir=~/Add_appendix; echo "Workdir = "$Workdir; fi
if [ $1 = "Annexer" ] && [ $1 != "Add_appendix" ]; then Workdir=~/Annexer; echo "Workdir = "$Workdir; fi
if [ -d $Workdir ]; then echo " $Workdir is present."; else echo " $Workdir is not present, i create it."; mkdir $Workdir; fi
Bindir="$Installdir/bin"; echo "Bindir : "$Bindir
if test -d $Bindir
then echo " is ok."
else echo " not present, create it"; mkdir $Bindir
#T Breakpoint exit 0
#O Create or recreate directory hierarchy
cd $Workdir
echo -n "The current directory to create $Workdir sub directories = "; pwd
mkdir bin books datas lib lib/src sbin sbin/src share src temp tests vars
ln -s share/man man
cd $Workdir/tests
echo "$Workdir/tests is the current directory to create sub tests directories."; pwd
mkdir 00-install_annex 01-sbsrc 02-manuels 0-pre-annex.sh 1-annex.lib 2-annex.sh 3-header.inc.sh 4-list.sh 5-download.sh 6-add_sclt.sh
mkdir 7-scli.inc.sh 8-add_sclic.sh 9-add_sclipco.sh 10-add_sclipwb.sh 11-annexer.sh 12-add_appendix.sh
cd $Workdir/tests
mkdir -p 1-annex.lib 1-annex.lib/{11-findbook.sh,12-efcpb.sh,efcpc.sh,cpcleaned2bin.sh,killalldoc.sh}
mkdir -p 01-sbsrc 01-sbsrc/{011-compil2bin.sh,012-findversions.sh,013-install_datasfiles.sh,014-makeman_annex.sh}
cd $Workdir/share
echo "$Workdir/share is the current directory to create sub share directories."; pwd
mkdir man doc doc/html
mkdir -p man man/{man1,fr,fr/man1,fr.UTF8,fr.UTF8/man1,es,es/man1}
mkdir -p locale locale/{en,en/LC_MESSAGES,fr,fr/LC_MESSAGES,es,es/LC_MESSAGES}
mkdir -p addappendix addappendix/resources
cd addappendix/resources
mkdir -p lang lang/{po,po/en,po/es,po/fr}
mkdir -p man man/{man1,es,es/man1,fr,fr/man1,fr.UTF-8,fr.UTF-8/man1}
#T Breakpoint exit 0
rm $Workdir/vars/installdir.var
echo "Installdir=$Installdir" > $Workdir/vars/installdir.var
echo "Workdir=$Workdir" >> $Workdir/vars/installdir.var
echo; echo "Content of file $Workdir/vars/installdir.var"
cat $Workdir/vars/installdir.var
if [ "$1" = "Annexer" ]
echo; echo "First param = $1"
echo; echo "Se connecter à l'url :"
echo "https://fr.wikibooks.org/wiki/Autoéditer_un_wikilivre/Annexer_(Version_internationalisée)#src.orig_en_français"
echo "Copier les pages de codes, les coller dans un éditeur de texte et les enregistrer dans les répertoires spécialisés"
echo "Les fichiers : "
echo " sources, dans le répertoire $1/src"
echo " de données dans $1/datas"
echo " de librairies, dans $1/lib"
echo " d'exécutables de maintenance, dans $1/sbin (chmod 755 * dans sbin)"
echo " de documentation dans $1/share/doc"
echo " de manuels dans $1/share/man"
echo "Utiliser cette version imprimable : "
echo " https://fr.wikibooks.org/wiki/Auto-éditer_un_wikilivre/Annexer_(Version_internationalisée)/Version_imprimable"
echo " pour copier les codes bash"
echo; echo "Finalement ré-exécuter cette commande ~/Annexer/sbin/users_install_annex.sh"
if [ "$1" = "Add_appendix" ]
echo; echo "First param = $1"
echo; echo "Login to url :"
echo "https://fr.wikibooks.org/wiki/Autoéditer_un_wikilivre/Annexer_(Version_internationalisée)#Codes_sources_(internationalized_source_code)"
echo "Copy code pages in memory, paste them in a text editor and save in the specialized directory"
echo "The files :"
echo " sources in the directory Add_appendix/src"
echo " datas in Add_appendix/datas"
echo " library in Add_appendix/lib"
echo " executable for maintenance, in Add_appendix/sbin (chmod 755 * in sbin)"
echo " documentation in Add_appendix/share/doc"
echo " manuals in Add_appendix/share/man"
echo "Use this printable version : "
echo " https://fr.wikibooks.org/wiki/Auto-éditer_un_wikilivre/Annexer_(Version_internationalisée)/Version_imprimable"
echo " to copy the bash code"
echo; echo "Finaly reexecute this command ~/Add_appendix/sbin/users_install_annex.sh"
#O Initialize $Conversions variable
Datasdir=$Workdir/datas; echo "Datadir = $Datasdir"
Conversions=$Datasdir/conversions.dat; echo "Conversion file = $Conversions"
#O Create or recreate the conversions.dat file in datas directory
if test -e $Conversions
then echo "The $Conversions file is present and will not be updated"
echo "s/%24/\$/g;s/%21/\!/g;s/%25/%/g;s/%2B/+/g;s/%3C/\\\<\;/g;s/%3E/\>\;/g;" > $Conversions
echo "s/%5C/\\\/g;s/%B0/°/g" >> $Conversions
echo "s/%E0/à/g;s/%E2/â/g" >> $Conversions
echo "s/%E8/è/g;s/%E9/é/g;s/%EA/ê/g;s/%EB/ë/g" >> $Conversions
echo "s/%EE/î/g;s/%EF/ï/g" >> $Conversions
echo "s/%F4/ô/g" >> $Conversions
echo "s/%F9/ù/g;s/%FB/û/g" >> $Conversions
echo "s/%25/%/g;" >> $Conversions
echo "s/%28/(/g;s/%29/)/g;" >> $Conversions
echo "s/%2B/+/g;" >> $Conversions
echo "s/%3A/:/g;" >> $Conversions
echo "s/%3D/=/g;" >> $Conversions
echo "s/%5B/[/g;" >> $Conversions
echo "s/%5D/]/g" >> $Conversions
echo "s/%3B/;/g;s/%2F/\//g;s/%27/'/g" >> $Conversions
echo 's/%22/"/g' >> $Conversions
echo "s/%C3%A7/ç/g;s/%E7/ç/g" >> $Conversions
echo "s/%C3%A0/à/g;s/%C3%A2/â/g" >> $Conversions
echo "s/%C3%A9/é/g;s/%C3%A8/è/g;s/%C3%AA/ê/g" >> $Conversions
echo "s/%C3%AE/î/g;s/%C3%AF/ï/g" >> $Conversions
echo "s/%C3%B4/ô/g" >> $Conversions
echo "s/%C3%B9/ù/g;s/%C3%BB/û/g" >> $Conversions
echo "s/%C2%B7/-/g;s/%C2%AB/«/g;s/%C2%BB/»/g" >> $Conversions
echo "----"
#O Initialize $Content_cleaner variable
echo "Content_cleaner = $Content_cleaner"
#O If not exist create the content_cleaner.dat in datas directory
if test -e $Content_cleaner
then echo "The $Content_cleaner file is present and will not be updated"
echo "s/: \[/\[/g;s/:\[/\[/g" > $Content_cleaner
echo "s/# \[/[/g;s/#\[/\[/g" >> $Content_cleaner
echo "s/* \[/[/g;s/*\[/\[/g" >> $Content_cleaner
echo "s/; /;/g" >> $Content_cleaner
echo "----"
#O Initialize $Unrecognized_links variable
echo "Unrecognized_links = $Unrecognized_links"
#O If not exist, create the file Unrecognized_links.dat
#O If not exist create the content_cleaner.dat in datas directory
if test -e $Unrecognized_links
then echo "The $Unrecognized_links file is present and will not be updated"
echo "fr.wikibooks.org: unrecognized_link.dat ignore les liens non contenus dans les pages Résumé ou Sommaire"
echo "title" > $Unrecognized_links
echo "Spécial" >> $Unrecognized_links
echo "Accueil" >> $Unrecognized_links
echo "Vitrine" >> $Unrecognized_links
echo "Tous_les_livres" >> $Unrecognized_links
echo "Rechercher_un_livre" >> $Unrecognized_links
echo "Wikijunior" >> $Unrecognized_links
echo "Portail_communautaire" >> $Unrecognized_links
echo "Le_Bistro" >> $Unrecognized_links
echo "Special:" >> $Unrecognized_links
echo "Aide:Accueil" >> $Unrecognized_links
echo "propos_de" >> $Unrecognized_links
echo "https://fr.wikibooks.org/wiki/Wikilivres" >> $Unrecognized_links
echo "Wikilivres:" >> $Unrecognized_links
echo "Catégorie:" >> $Unrecognized_links
echo "en.wikibooks.org: unrecognized_link.dat ignore the uncontained Links in the Summary or Contents pages"
echo "Main_Page" >> $Unrecognized_links
echo "Help:Contents" >> $Unrecognized_links
echo "Card_Catalog_Office" >> $Unrecognized_links
echo "Cookbook:Table_of_Contents" >> $Unrecognized_links
echo "Featured_books" >> $Unrecognized_links
echo "Using_Wikibooks" >> $Unrecognized_links
echo "Reading_room" >> $Unrecognized_links
echo "Community_Portal" >> $Unrecognized_links
echo "Reading_room/Bulletin_Board" >> $Unrecognized_links
echo "Maintenance" >> $Unrecognized_links
echo "Policies_and_guidelines" >> $Unrecognized_links
echo "Contact_us" >> $Unrecognized_links
echo "Welcome" >> $Unrecognized_links
echo "General_disclaimer" >> $Unrecognized_links
echo "Category:" >> $Unrecognized_links
echo "----"
#O Write README in bin directory
#T echo "param 1 = $1"
if [ "$1" = "Add_appendix" ]
echo "*** Write bin/README file "
echo "README to use bin directory" > $Workdir/bin/README
echo "This directory is reserved for commands without a '.sh' file suffix." >> $Workdir/bin/README
echo "Commands without '.sh' are stripped of comments. They come from the" >> $Workdir/bin/README
echo " 'src' directory or from the 'tests' subdirectories." >> $Workdir/bin/README
echo "Executables commands with or without '.sh', '.x' or '.exe' suffix are" >> $Workdir/bin/README
echo " commands for maintainers in 'sbin' directory" >> $Workdir/bin/README
echo "*** Write README in Add_appendix"
echo "README file in ~/Add_apperdix" > $Workdir/README
echo "Type ~/Add_appendix/bin/annex <bookname> to update the book" >> $Workdir/README
echo "Type ~/Add_appendix/bin/addappendix <full-url-bookname> to launch app" >> $Workdir/README
if [ "$1" = "Annexer" ]
echo "*** écriture du fichier bin/LISEZ-MOI"
echo "LISEZ-MOI pour l'utilisation du répertoire 'bin'" > $Workdir/bin/LISEZ-MOI
echo "Ce répertoire est réservé aux commandes shell sans l'extension '.sh'." >> $Workdir/bin/LISEZ-MOI
echo "Les commandes sans extension '.sh' proviennent du répertoire 'src'" >> $Workdir/bin/LISEZ-MOI
echo " ou des sous-répertoires des 'tests', dépouillées des commentaires." >> $Workdir/bin/LISEZ-MOI
echo "Les exécutables avec ou sans l'extension 'sh', '.x' ou '.exe' sont des" >> $Workdir/bin/LISEZ-MOI
echo " commandes pour les mainteneurs dans le répertoire 'sbin'" >> $Workdir/bin/LISEZ-MOI
echo "*** écriture du fichier LISEZ-MOI dans Annexer"
echo "Fichier LISEZ-MOI dans ~/Annexer" > $Workdir/LISEZ-MOI
echo "Taper ~/Annexer/bin/annex <nom-du-livre> pour mettre le livre à jour" >> $Workdir/LISEZ-MOI
echo "Taper ~/Annexer/bin/annexer <url-complète-du livre> pour lancer l'app" >> $Workdir/LISEZ-MOI
#O When you run this script again, the message translation .pot files will be updated.
if test -e $Installdir/bin/header.inc; then
xgettext -L shell -o $Installdir/share/addapendix/resources/lang/po/header.inc.pot --from-code=UTF-8 $Installdir/bin/header.inc; fi
if test -e $Installdir/bin/annex; then
xgettext -L shell -o $Installdir/share/addapendix/resources/lang/po/annex.pot --from-code=UTF-8 $Installdir/bin/annex; fi
if test -e $Installdir/bin/annexer; then
xgettext -L shell -o $Installdir/share/addapendix/resources/lang/po/annexer.pot --from-code=UTF-8 $Installdir/bin/annexer; fi
if test -e $Installdir/bin/addappendix; then
xgettext -L shell -o $Installdir/share/addapendix/resources/lang/po/addappendix.pot --from-code=UTF-8 $Installdir/bin/addappendix; fi
echo "-----"
echo -e "\033[1;33mYou find Pot-files in $Workdir/share/locale for translations with 'Poedit':\033[0m"
ls -R $Workdir/share/locale
echo -e "\033[1;33mWhen you run this script again, the message translation .pot files will be updated.\033[0m"
#O Copy install program(s) to $Workdir/sbin/src
cp -u ~/Tmp/users_install_annex.sh $Workdir/sbin/src/.
cp -u ~/Tmp/users_uninstall_annex.sh $Workdir/sbin/src/.
#O Create manual of this script to $Workdir/share/man
if test -e $Workdir/sbin/src/users_install_annex.sh; then cat $Workdir/sbin/src/users_install_annex.sh | grep -e "M" | sed 's/#M //g' > $Workdir/share/addappendix/resources/man/users_install_annex_en.1; fi
#O Create the documentation of this program
if test -e $Workdir/sbin/users_install_annex.sh; then cat $Workdir/sbin/users_install_annex.sh | grep -e "#D" | grep -v "if test" | sed 's/#D//g' > $Workdir/share/doc/users_install_annex.sh.doc; fi
#O Clean tmpfiles and exit 0
if test -d ~/tmp; then rm -r ~/tmp; fi
exit 0
#O End of users_install_annex.sh