
Attention : Depuis MediaWiki 1.18 les pages se terminant avec l'extension .js ou .css sont interprétées comme des pages wiki ! En particulier les modèles (subst ou non) et les liens. Vous devez donc migrer le code source et effectuer vos changements en évitant ces éléments de syntaxe wiki (peu importe leurs emplacements dans le code source : commentaire, chaine) :

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  • Double crochets ouvrants : même technique de séparation.
  • Signature (tildes ~ multiples) : même technique de séparation.

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*Documentation : [[:fr:User:EDUCA33E/LiveRC/Documentation]]
*Authors : [[:fr:User:EDUCA33E]], [[:fr:User:TiChou]] & [[:pl:User:Leafnode]]
*Version: 0.3.7 (beta)
Version modifiée basée sur la version du 1er avril 2007 a 00:49 :
=== Variables globales ===
<source lang="javascript"> */
if (wgTitle == "EDUCA33E/LiveRC") {
  // Appel des parametres par défaut de LiveRC ;
  // ///////////////////////////////////////////
  document.write('<script type="text/javascript" src="' 
             + mw.config.get('wgServer') + mw.config.get('wgScriptPath') + '/index.php?title='+wgPageName+'/LiveRCparam.js' 
             + '&action=raw&ctype=text/javascript&dontcountme=s"></script>');
  // Appel des parametres utilisateur ;
  // ///////////////////////////////////////////
  document.write('<script type="text/javascript" src="' 
             + mw.config.get('wgServer') + mw.config.get('wgScriptPath') + '/index.php?title=User:'+encodeURI(wgUserName)+'/LiveRCparam.js' 
             + '&action=raw&ctype=text/javascript&dontcountme=s"></script>');
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  var lastrevid,lasttimestamp=1; // Timestamp d'initialisation;
  // Découpage de l'URL et de ses parametres;
  var _GET = new Array();
  var _uri = location.href;
  var _temp_get_arr = _uri.substring(_uri.indexOf('?')+1, _uri.length).split("&");
  var _temp_get_arr_1 = new Array();
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  delete _uri; delete _temp_get_arr; delete _temp_get_arr_1;
  // Variables d'état (pour test sur rc.state);
  var IP          = 1;
  var BOT         = 2 << 0;
  var SYSOP       = 2 << 1;
  var NEW         = 2 << 2;
  var MINOR       = 2 << 3;
  var NEWNS       = 2 << 4;
  var RENAMED     = 2 << 5;
  var PATROLLED   = 2 << 6;
  var REVERT      = 2 << 7;
  var BLANKING    = 2 << 8;
  var REPLACED    = 2 << 9;
  var REDIRECT    = 2 << 10;
  var CATEGORIZED = 2 << 11;
  var LOCK        = 2 << 12;
  var FULLLOCK    = 2 << 13;
  var HOMONYMIE   = 2 << 14;
  var ADQ         = 2 << 15;
  var BA          = 2 << 16;
  var APDQ        = 2 << 17;
  var COPYRIGHT   = 2 << 18;
  var PAS         = 2 << 19;
  var FIRE        = 2 << 20;
  var lstSysop = new Array();   // Sysop list;
  var lstContact = new Array(); // Contact list;
  var lstRevoc = new Array();   // Reverted list;
  var lstHidden = new Array();  // Hidden users list;
  // Is user Sysop;
  var lrcAdmin = false; // default value;
  if(wgUserGroups.indexOf("sysop") != -1)
    lrcAdmin = true;
  // Watchlist;
  var lstSuivi = new Array();
  var lstSuiviHH = new Array();
/* </source>
<source lang="javascript"> */
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// Parser
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// HTMLize
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/* </source>
=== LiveDiff ===
<source lang="javascript"> */
function liveDiff(page, id, oldid) {
  var el = document.getElementById( 'livePreviewTitle' );
  el.innerHTML="<b style='text-decoration: blink;'>Diff : <span style='color:red'>"+page+"</span>...</b>";
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                onSuccess: getDiff, mpage: page, mid: id, moldid:oldid});
function getDiff(xmlreq, data) {
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  var oldid=data.moldid;
  var id=data.mid;
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  var upage=page.replace(new RegExp(/\'/g), "\\'");
  if (lD[0] == null)
    LP.innerHTML = bC.innerHTML;
  else {
    if (document.getElementById('showDiffR').checked) {
      var avantEl = getElementsByClass('diff-deletedline',bC,null);
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      var rollback = getElementsByClass('mw-rollback-link',bC,null);
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        var rl = "";
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  if (dLP.style.display == "none") {
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  entete.innerHTML='<b><a href="'+wgServer + '/wiki/' + encodeURI(page) + '" target="_new">' + page + '</a></b> • ' +
  '(<a href="javascript:;" onClick="liveHist(\''+upage+'\');" style="color:darkorange">Hist</a>)';
  var asNextDiff = doc.getElementById("differences-nextlink");
  if(asNextDiff == null) {
    var optAvert = "";
    var optl = lstAvert.length;
    for (j=0; j<optl; j++) {
      optAvert += '<option value="'+lstAvert[j].template;
      if(lstAvert[j].hasPage) optAvert += '|'+upage;
      optAvert += '">'+lstAvert[j].string+'</option>';
    // Get username of submitter
    var user1 = doc.getElementById( 'mw-diff-otitle2' );
    if (user1 != null) {
      var usertmp=user1.innerHTML;
      user1 = usertmp.replace(new RegExp(/<a (.*)>(.*)<\/a>  \(<a(.*)/g), "$2");
    var user2 = doc.getElementById( 'mw-diff-ntitle2' );
    if (user2 != null) {
      var usertmp=user2.innerHTML;
      user2 = usertmp.replace(new RegExp(/<a (.*)>(.*)<\/a>  \(<a(.*)/g), "$2");
    user1=user1.replace(new RegExp(/\'/g), "\\'");
    user2=user2.replace(new RegExp(/\'/g), "\\'");
    entete.innerHTML = '<table width="100%" class="creator"><tr><td>' + entete.innerHTML + 
    '</td><td align="right"><small>' +
    // Verifier avant si le patrouilleur peut modifier cette page ? (query.php?what=permissions&titles=page)
    '[<a id="LiveRevertLink" href="javascript:getLiveMessage(\'liverevert\',\''+user1+'\',\''+user2+'\',\''+upage+'\',\''+oldid+'\');" >' + lang_menu[0].UNDORC+'</a>] • ' +
    lang_menu[0].REASON+' : <input id="LiveRevertMessage" /> ••• ' +
    '[<a id="LiveAvertoLink" href="javascript:getLiveAverto(\''+user2+'\');">'+lang_menu[0].AVERTS+'</a>] : ' +
    '<select id="averto">' + optAvert + '</select>' +
function getLiveAverto(user) {
  var link = document.getElementById('LiveAvertoLink');
  link.href = "javascript:;";
  link.style.color = "silver";
  link.style.cursor = "default";
  link.style.textDecoration = "none";
  document.getElementById('averto').disabled = true;
  var message = document.getElementById('averto').value;
  wpajax.http({ url: mw.config.get('wgServer') + mw.config.get('wgScriptPath') + '/index.php?title=User_Talk:' + encodeURIComponent(user) + '&action=edit',
                onSuccess: postLiveAverto,
                user: user, message: message });
function postLiveAverto(xmlreq, data) {
  var parser = new DOMParser();
  var doc = parser.parseFromString(xmlreq.responseText, 'application/xhtml+xml');
  var user = data.user;
  var message = data.message.replace(new RegExp(/\\'/g),"'");
  // Message au début
  // var wpTextbox1 = encodeURIComponent('{{subst:' + message + '}} ~~~~\n' + doc.getElementById('wpTextbox1').value);
  var wpTextbox1 = encodeURIComponent(doc.getElementById('wpTextbox1').value + '\n\n{{subst:' + message + '}} ~~~~\n');
  var inputs = doc.getElementById('editform').getElementsByTagName('input');
  var editform = new Array();
  for (i=0; i<inputs.length; i++) {
    editform[inputs[i].name] = inputs[i].value;
  var wpStarttime = encodeURIComponent(editform['wpStarttime']);
  var wpEdittime = encodeURIComponent(editform['wpEdittime']);
  var wpEditToken = encodeURIComponent(editform['wpEditToken']);
//var wpSummary = encodeURIComponent('LiveRC : Avertissement ! ' + message.replace(new RegExp(/\|(.*)/), ' sur [[$1]]') + ' !');
  var wpSummary = encodeURIComponent('LiveRC : Warning following edits ! ' + message.replace(new RegExp(/\|(.*)/), ' on [[$1]]') + ' !');
  var headers = new Array();
  headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded';
  wpajax.http({ url: mw.config.get('wgServer') + mw.config.get('wgScriptPath') + '/index.php?title=User_Talk:' + encodeURI(user) + '&action=submit',
                method: "POST", headers: headers,
                data: 'wpSave=1&wpTextbox1=' + wpTextbox1 + '&wpStarttime=' + wpStarttime + '&wpEdittime=' + wpEdittime
                    + '&wpEditToken=' + wpEditToken + '&wpSummary=' + wpSummary});
function getLiveMessage(where, user1, user2, page, oldid) {
  var links = [ document.getElementById('LiveRevertLink') ];
  var i,len=links.length;
  for (i=0; i<len; i++) {
    links[i].href = "javascript:;";
    links[i].style.color = "silver";
    links[i].style.cursor = "default";
    links[i].style.textDecoration = "none";
  document.getElementById('LiveRevertMessage').disabled = true;
  var message = document.getElementById('LiveRevertMessage').value;
  wpajax.http({ url: mw.config.get('wgServer') + mw.config.get('wgScriptPath') + '/index.php?title=' + encodeURI(page) + '&action=edit&oldid=' + oldid,
                onSuccess: postLiveRevert,
                where: where, page: page, user1: user1, user2: user2, message: message });
function postLiveRevert(xmlreq, data) {
  var parser = new DOMParser();
  var doc = parser.parseFromString(xmlreq.responseText, 'application/xhtml+xml');
  var where = data.where;
  var page = data.page;
  var user1 = data.user1;
  var user2 = data.user2;
  var message = data.message;
  var wpTextbox1 = encodeURIComponent(doc.getElementById('wpTextbox1').value);
  var inputs = doc.getElementById('editform').getElementsByTagName('input');
  var editform = new Array();
  for (i=0; i<inputs.length; i++) {
    editform[inputs[i].name] = inputs[i].value;
  var wpStarttime = encodeURIComponent(editform['wpStarttime']);
  var wpEdittime = encodeURIComponent(editform['wpEdittime']);
  var wpEditToken = encodeURIComponent(editform['wpEditToken']);
  switch(where) {
    case 'liverevert':
      var wpSummary = lang_menu[0].RVMES1 + ' [[Special:Contributions/' + user2 + '|' + user2
        + ']]; '+lang_menu[0].RVMES2+' [[User:' + user1 + '|' + user1 + ']]';
/*    case 'livevandalism':
      var wpSummary = 'LiveRC : Révocation de vandalisme par [[Special:Contributions/' + user2 + '|' + user2
        + ']]; retour a la version de [[User:' + user1 + '|' + user1 + ']]';
      break; */
  if (message)
    wpSummary = wpSummary + ' ; ' + message;
  wpSummary = encodeURIComponent(wpSummary);
  var headers = new Array();
  headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded';
  wpajax.http({ url: mw.config.get('wgServer') + mw.config.get('wgScriptPath') + '/index.php?title=' + encodeURIComponent(page) + '&action=submit',
                method: "POST", headers: headers,
                data: 'wpSave=1&wpTextbox1=' + wpTextbox1 + '&wpStarttime=' + wpStarttime + '&wpEdittime=' + wpEdittime
                    + '&wpEditToken=' + wpEditToken + '&wpSummary=' + wpSummary});
/* </source>
=== LiveHist ===
<source lang="javascript"> */
function liveHist(page) {
  var el = document.getElementById( 'livePreviewTitle' );
  el.innerHTML="<b style='text-decoration: blink;'>Hist : <span style='color:red'>"+page+"</span>...</b>";
  wpajax.http({url:mw.config.get('wgServer') + mw.config.get('wgScriptPath') + '/index.php?title=' + encodeURIComponent(page) + '&action=history', onSuccess: getHist, message: page });
function getHist(xmlreq, data) {
  doc = gml_XMLParse(xmlreq.responseText);
  bC  = doc.getElementById('bodyContent')
  if (bC ==  null) bC  = doc.getElementById('article')
  var c=data.message;
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  var dLP = document.getElementById( 'divLivePreview' );
  LP.innerHTML = bC.innerHTML;
  if (dLP.style.display == "none") {
    var elcb = document.getElementById( 'shidPrev' );
    dLP.style.display = "inline";
  var elt = document.getElementById( 'livePreviewTitle' );
  elt.innerHTML='<b><a href="'+wgServer+'/wiki/'+encodeURIComponent(c)+'" target="_new">'+c+'</a></b>';
/* </source>
=== LiveArticle ===
<source lang="javascript"> */
function liveArticle(page) {
  var el = document.getElementById( 'livePreviewTitle' );
  el.innerHTML="<b style='text-decoration: blink;'><span style='color:red'>"+page+"</span>...</b>";
  wpajax.http({url:mw.config.get('wgServer') + mw.config.get('wgScriptPath') + '/index.php?title=' + encodeURIComponent(page) + '&redirect=no', onSuccess: getArticle, message: page });
function getArticle(xmlreq, data) {
  doc = gml_XMLParse(xmlreq.responseText);
  bC  = doc.getElementById('bodyContent')
  if (bC ==  null) bC  = doc.getElementById('article')
  var c=data.message;
  var LP = document.getElementById( 'livePreview' );
  var dLP = document.getElementById( 'divLivePreview' );
  LP.innerHTML = bC.innerHTML;
  if (dLP.style.display == "none") {
    var elcb = document.getElementById( 'shidPrev' );
    dLP.style.display = "inline";
  var elt = document.getElementById( 'livePreviewTitle' );
  elt.innerHTML='<b><a href="'+wgServer+'/wiki/'+encodeURI(c)+'" target="_new">'+c+'</a></b>';
/* </source>
=== LiveContrib ===
<source lang="javascript"> */
function liveContrib(user) {
  var el = document.getElementById( 'livePreviewTitle' );
  el.innerHTML="<b style='text-decoration: blink;'><span style='color:red'>"+user+"</span>...</b>";
  wpajax.http({url:wgServer + '/wiki/Special:Contributions/'+encodeURIComponent(user), 
                   onSuccess: getContrib, message: user });
function getContrib(xmlreq, data) {
  doc = gml_XMLParse(xmlreq.responseText);
  bC  = doc.getElementById('bodyContent')
  if (bC ==  null) bC  = doc.getElementById('article')
  var user=data.message;
  var LP = document.getElementById( 'livePreview' );
  var dLP = document.getElementById( 'divLivePreview' );
  LP.innerHTML = bC.innerHTML;
  if (dLP.style.display == "none") {
    var elcb = document.getElementById( 'shidPrev' );
    dLP.style.display = "inline";
  var utilde=user.replace(new RegExp(/\'/g), "\\'");
  var optAvert = "";
  var optl = lstAvert.length;
  for (j=0; j<optl; j++) {
    if(lstAvert[j].hasPage) continue;
    optAvert += '<option value="'+lstAvert[j].template+'">'+lstAvert[j].string+'</option>';
  var entete = document.getElementById( 'livePreviewTitle' );
  entete.innerHTML='<b><a href="'+wgServer+'/wiki/User:'+encodeURIComponent(user)+'" target="_new">'+user+'</a></b>';
  entete.innerHTML = '<table width="100%" class="creator"><tr><td>'+entete.innerHTML +
    '</td><td align="right"><small>' +
    '[<a id="LiveAvertoLink" href="javascript:var message=getLiveAverto(\''+utilde+'\');">'+lang_menu[0].AVERTS+'</a>] : ' +
    '<select id="averto">' + optAvert + '</select>' + '</td></tr></table>';
/* </source>
=== LiveSysop ===
<source lang="javascript"> */
function liveSysop() {
  wpajax.http({url:mw.config.get('wgServer') + mw.config.get('wgScriptPath') + '/index.php?title=Special:Listusers&limit=500&group=sysop', 
                   onSuccess: getSysop, message: "Pobieranie listy adminów" });
function getSysop(xmlreq, data) {
  var doc = gml_XMLParse(xmlreq.responseText);
  var bC  = doc.getElementById('bodyContent');
  if (bC ==  null) bC  = doc.getElementById('article')
  var lstSys = bC.getElementsByTagName( 'ul' )[ 0 ].getElementsByTagName( 'li' );
  var info="";
  var len = lstSys.length
  for(var i=0; i < len ; i++) {
    info=lstSys[i].getElementsByTagName( 'a' )[ 0 ].innerHTML;
function liveWatch() {
  wpajax.http({url:wgServer + '/wiki/Special:Watchlist/edit', 
                   onSuccess: getWatch, message: "Pobieranie obserwowanych" });
function getWatch(xmlreq, data) {
  var doc = gml_XMLParse(xmlreq.responseText);
  var bC  = doc.getElementById('bodyContent');
  if (bC ==  null) bC  = doc.getElementById('article')
  var info="";
  var lstUL = bC.getElementsByTagName( 'ul' );
  var lenUL = lstUL.length;
  for(var j=0; j < lenUL ; j++) {
    var lstLI = lstUL[j].getElementsByTagName( 'li' );
    var lenLI = lstLI.length;
    for(var i=0; i < lenLI ; i++) {
      info=lstLI[i].getElementsByTagName( 'input' )[ 0 ].value;
/* function liveWatch() {
  wpajax.http({url:mw.config.get('wgServer') + mw.config.get('wgScriptPath') + '/api.php?action=query&list=watchlist&wllimit=500&format=xml', 
                   onSuccess: getWatch, message: "Pobieranie listy obserwowanych" });
function getWatch(xmlreq, data) {
  var a=xmlreq.responseText;
  var c=data.message;
  var i;
  // document.getElementById('debug').innerHTML = a+"<br />**************************";
  if(a.indexOf("<error")!=-1) {
    var lvSuivi = document.getElementById( 'liveSuivi' );
    lvSuivi.innerHTML = "<small>Suivi désactivé. (API.php : watchlist)</small>";
  var info="";
  for(i=a.length-1; i >= 0 ; i--) {
    info=a[i].substr(0,a[i].indexOf("\" pageid"));
    if (info == "") continue;
  //document.getElementById('debug').innerHTML += lstSuivi;
} */
function liveNS() {
  wpajax.http({url: mw.config.get('wgServer') + mw.config.get('wgScriptPath') + '/api.php?action=query&meta=siteinfo&siprop=namespaces&format=xml', 
                   onSuccess: getNS, message: "Pobieranie nazw przestrzeni" });
function getNS(xmlreq, data) {
  var api = xmlreq.responseXML;
  if (api.firstChild.nodeName == "error") return;
  var nss = api.getElementsByTagName('query')[0].getElementsByTagName('namespaces')[0].getElementsByTagName('ns');
  var len = nss.length;
  var i;
  var id,ns;
  var options = "";
  var lstNs = new Array();
  for (i=0; i<len; i++) {
    id = nss[i].getAttribute('id');
    ns = nss[i].textContent;
    if (id < 0) continue;
    if (id == 0) ns = "Article";
    options += '<option value="' + id + '">' + ns + '</option>';
  options = '<option value="' + lstNs.join('|') + '">*</option>' + options;
  document.getElementById('selectNS').innerHTML = '<label for="showNS0">'+lang_menu[0].NAMESP+' </label><select id="showNS0">' + options + '</select>';
/* </source>
=== LiveRC ===
<source lang="javascript"> */
function supprLigne(quelLigne) {
  var i,len;
  var tab = document.getElementById('tabRC');
  var els = new Array();
  if (quelLigne == '*')
    els = tab.getElementsByTagName('tr');
  else if (quelLigne == 'd') {
    var _els = tab.getElementsByTagName('tr');
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function tsToHhMm(timestamp) {
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function updateHidden() {
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function updateFollowRevoc() {
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function getRevision(rc) {
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function getRedirCat(xmlreq, data) {
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      lenj = commenttests.length;
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        if (new RegExp(commenttests[j].regex).test(rc.comment))
          rc.state += commenttests[j].state;
    if (lstSysop.indexOf(rc.user) != -1)
      rc.state += SYSOP;
    var mitigating = (rc.state & REVERT)
      || (rc.state & BLANKING)
      || (rc.state & REPLACED)
      || (lstContact[rc.user])
      || (lstRevoc[rc.user])
      || (rc.user == wgUserName);
    if (document.getElementById('showIP').checked
      && !(rc.state & IP)
      && !mitigating ) continue;
    if (lstHidden[rc.user] && !mitigating) continue;
    wpajax.http({url: mw.config.get('wgServer') + mw.config.get('wgScriptPath') + '/query.php?titles=' + encodeURIComponent(rc.title) + '&what=redirects|categories&format=xml',
                 onSuccess: getRedirCat, rc: rc });
  lastrevid = rcs[0].getAttribute('revid');
  lasttimestamp = rcs[0].getAttribute('timestamp').replace(new RegExp(/\D/g), "");
  document.getElementById('tsInit').innerHTML = "Last situation : " + lasttimestamp;
function liveRC() {
  var refresh = 10;
  timer= setTimeout("liveRC()",refresh*1000);
  if (document.getElementById('stopLive').checked) return;
  var rcns = document.getElementById('showNS0').value;
  if (rcns == null) return;
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    + '/api.php?action=query&list=recentchanges|logevents&rcnamespace=' + rcns
    + '&rcprop=user|comment|flags|timestamp|title|ids|sizes' + rcshow
    + '&rcend=' + lasttimestamp + '&rclimit=' + lrcRCLimit
    + '&leend=' + lasttimestamp + '&lelimit=' + lrcRCLimit
    + '&format=xml',
    onSuccess: getRC, message: "Traitement en cours...\n\n" });
function hideUser(name) {
   lstHidden[name] = true;
function unhideUser(name) {
   delete lstHidden[name];
function showHideObj(parent, fils) {
  var ofils = document.getElementById( fils );
  if (parent.checked)
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    // Main
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